Why all companies should have a Heroku-like platform for their developers

Anubhav Mishra
8 min readAug 4, 2017

At Hootsuite, we try to host internal hackathons pretty frequently. Like any other hackathon, people come together, write some code and build something awesome. But often we noticed that these hacks tend on taking longer than expected to launch or get hosted somewhere. The need to wait for servers, databases or domains delays launching a hack.

In this blog post we will explore how and why at Hootsuite we created a simple PaaS on top of Kubernetes using Deis Workflow and added a few kinks to make prototyping easier for developers.

Why should you care?

One of the biggest problems that exists today in technology companies is the velocity to ship experiments is slow. Technology companies often don’t invest in making prototyping easy. The reasons being the need to manage extra infrastructure and costs. If experimental products and applications could be created and deployed rapidly then this will encourage innovation.

Most startups today are full of entrepreneurs that want experiments to be part of their day to day life at work. We should enable these people to get their ideas out so we can choose the best one and run with it!


Now I know these are a lot of platforms that allow you to host your applications in secs and this is a solved problem.

Why not just use Heroku?

Certain companies create and manage their own cloud environments on AWS, Google Cloud Platform or their own private cloud. They sometimes don’t like the idea of using services like Heroku directly and buy into the 12 factor application model but instead want to use the idea of something like Heroku to drive development velocity of engineering teams. Also some companies want to do more with their PaaS than what Heroku has to offer.

Recent movement in the cluster managers and schedulers have made application delivery really easy and can help create platforms that help accelerate prototyping for products and applications. The use of containers along with cluster mangers is very powerful. After looking around in the community, few projects that were doing something similar to what we wanted to do. These projects are as follows:

  • Deis Workflow: PaaS on top of Kubernetes that adds a developer friendly layer to it and uses things like Heroku Buildpacks to build applications and deploy them on Kubernetes.
  • Empire: PaaS on top of AWS ECS that uses the Heroku approach as well.
  • Convox Rack: PaaS built on top of AWS uses things like VPC, S3 and KMS etc to give you a developer friendly api.

There is a long list of projects that solve this problem. There are vast differences in the implementation of these PaaS projects but we won’t highlight them in this blog post.

At Hootsuite we have Kubernetes running on AWS and we wanted to leverage it to create our own internal PaaS that can host one time applications in the matter of seconds. We went with Deis Workflow since we were already had domain expertise in Kubernetes and to be honest it was really easy to setup.


The requirements for this platform were very simple. They were to enable developers taking part in the hackathon to create apps with just a git push and to be able to create databases for the applications with ease.


The implementation includes the following:

Kubernetes in AWS

First, we will start with getting a Kubernetes cluster in AWS. If you are running on GCP, good for you. Then just “push button” deploy a cluster in GKE.

After a lot of discussions between folks in the organization (ops, security etc) we came to a conclusion that we wanted to create a new AWS account to make sure we can separate the security and stability concerns around users being able to cause disruptions to infrastructure that powers Hootsuite’s core services.

Creating a new account in AWS and linking it to your main account is very easy. Follow instructions here.

We now have a brand new account that is separate from the “Production” AWS account. The next thing we want to do is get some servers up and have Kubernetes manage those nodes. You might have heard about “Kubernetes the hard way” by Kelsey Hightower. That tutorial highlights that it is fairly complicated to get Kubernetes up and running in AWS. You can go down this path and customize the install of Kubernetes for AWS if you want. This is what we did for our “Production” Kubernetes cluster that runs Hootsuite’s core services. We will blog about that some other time. But in this case since this cluster was purely meant for prototyping we ended up using kops. kops makes it surprising easy to get a Kubernetes cluster up in AWS. You can use the tutorial for launching a Kubernetes cluster on AWS. After you are done you should have couple of nodes running Kubernetes:

kubectl get nodes
ip-10-0-0-1.ec2.internal Ready 17h v1.6.2
ip-10-0-0-2.ec2.internal Ready,master 17h v1.6.2
ip-10-0-0-3.ec2.internal Ready,master 17h v1.6.2
ip-10-0-0-4.ec2.internal Ready,master 17h v1.6.2
ip-10-0-0-5.ec2.internal Ready 17h v1.6.2

Install Deis Workflow on top of Kubernetes

This is where you will realize that the Kubernetes community/ecosystem is really strong.

Now if we consider the datacenter as a huge computer, in our case all resources under the AWS account would be part of our computer then that makes Kubernetes the operating system for that computer. This is Google’s powerful “The Datacenter as a Computer” analogy that makes a lot of sense for systems like Kubernetes. Now you might be wondering where I am going with this? Well we need to install things on this huge computer. How do we do that? If you were to install lets say htop on your mac how would you do it? You can use something like brew and open your terminal and typebrew install htop. Now imagine if there was something like brew for Kubernetes. Well there is…. and it is called helm — Kubernetes Package Manager. Helm is created by a company called Deis and yes they also created Deis Workflow. Here we will use helm to install Deis Workflow:

  • Install Helm
brew install kubernetes-helm
  • Initialize Helm and Install Tiller
helm init

This will install tiller that is the server side component for Helm that manages and orchestrates releases in Kubernetes.

  • Install Deis Workflow
helm repo add deis https://charts.deis.com/workflow

This will add the Deis chart repo to your helm chart repos.

helm install deis/workflow --namespace deis

This will install Deis Workflow. Yes! it is a single command. The helm chart for Deis Workflow has all the necessary Kubernetes manifests that are required to get Deis Workflow running on Kubernetes. Now follow the guides on the Deis website to get a better understanding of what is going on. Here are the few things we did to make the Deis Workflow installation production ready:

  • Make sure you don’t use the default minio storage option for storage. It is a great option for testing workflow but wouldn’t recommend it for making your cluster resilient under outages. We used s3 storage option that can be configured by overriding the values.yml file for the helm chart. Follow the guide to configure object store.
  • We recommend using SSL for both the Workflow API and all managed apps. Follow the guide to enable SSL on Workflow.

Now we have Deis Workflow running on top of our Kubernetes cluster!

kubectl get pods --namespace=deis
deis-builder-3768201740-clk0p 1/1 Running 0 38d
deis-controller-4279484688-zhxsk 1/1 Running 1 9d
deis-database-4238932065-v0rg0 1/1 Running 1 38d
deis-logger-2533678197-jd05z 1/1 Running 1 38d

Let’s now install Deis CLI:

curl -sSL http://deis.io/deis-cli/install-v2.sh | bash
sudo mv $PWD/deis /usr/local/bin/deis

Test Deis CLI:

deis version 

Now just follow the guide to deploy your first app!

What changes for the developer?

So far it has been a great ride, we installed Deis Workflow that is running on top of a production grade cluster manager(Kubernetes) on top of a decent cloud provider(AWS). Why did we go through this process? What we want is for our developers to love us. This is what a developer will go through if they start using this platform:

  • The traditional way:

I finished writing my ruby app for the hackathon, I need to deploy it somewhere…. I guess I can talk to Ops/DevOps folks and create a JIRA ticket to get my server and then install ruby, gem etc using ansible/chef/puppet. Then some how put my code on to the server and then may be run a nginx reverse proxy to expose my application. Oh wait I need a DNS entry to point to my server too! Argghhhh its just a hackathon app!!!!

  • The Deis Workflow way:

I finished writing my ruby app for the hackthon, oh wait I see the Ops/DevOps folks have shared this doc with me…. something called Deis Workflow.

(reads the document)

Oh this is exactly like Heroku!!!! Deploying this app is going to be a piece of cake.

Login to Deis:

deis login http://deis.awesome-platform.com
Logged in as developer
Configuration file written to /Users/awesome-user/.deis/client.json

Go to the application folder that needs to be deployed:

deis create hackathon-ruby-app
Creating Application... done, created hackathon-ruby-app
Git remote deis successfully created for app hackathon-ruby-app.

Push to Deis remote (the best part of this process):

git push deis master
Counting objects: 239, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (172/172), done.
Writing objects: 100% (239/239), 375.14 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 239 (delta 57), reused 239 (delta 57)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (57/57), done.
Starting build... but first, coffee!
-----> Restoring cache...
No cache file found. If this is the first deploy, it will be created now.
-----> Ruby app detected
-----> Bootstrapping...
-----> Installing platform packages...
Build complete.
Launching App...

Open application on the browser:

deis open

The application will be available at:


I don’t know about you guys but we think this experience is amazing!

OnDemand Database Creation

We now know that application deployment with Heroku like workflows is fairly simple and fast. But what if the application needed a database? This is where developer hacking on a project usually get stuck. If you can make database deployment as fast as the application deployment then you have won in their eyes. Again, we are talking about prototyping here, we don’t recommend this when it comes to production.

At Hootsuite, we wanted to leverage Kubernetes stateful sets to solve this problem. Here is how we went about it:

  • Use stateful sets to bring up HA database installations for MySQL and Redis
  • Write a simple API on top of databases that can generate endpoints to access them easily.

The stateful sets that we used are as follows:

Redis: https://github.com/anubhavmishra/redis-stateful-set and Redis Sentinel: https://github.com/anubhavmishra/redis-sentinel-proxy for always connecting to the master

So the idea being a database creation should be as simple as a curl call. This will enable developers that are hacking to keep focusing on their code rather worrying about provisioning a database. I wrote a simple golang project called “kuberdbs” to do this at Hootsuite.


With the rise of cluster managers and schedulers like Kubernetes, it has become easy and fast to experiment with ideas. This in turn drives innovation in companies specially the ones that encourage developers or engineers to experiment and fail. So, lets not sit back but enjoy this time that we are living in :)

I will be speaking at prdcdeliver 2017 about “How can you harness the power of entrepreneurs in your company? Give them a PaaS!”. Hopefully share some more content after the conference.



Anubhav Mishra

Advisor to the CTO & Head of HashiCorp Labs at @HashiCorp. Previous: Engineer @ Hootsuite. Love OSS 💻, and Manchester United ⚽️ !